The Identity Card is one of the top niche implementations for Smart Card and PKI technologies due to its special nature of identifying a person and ensuring data privacy. An increasing number of countries have migrated its traditional National Identity card to PKI-Enabled Smart Card for the advantages demonstrated in such technology. The National Identity Card contains the personal data, photo and a unique ID number generated for each citizen/resident and used in every governmental application that should recognize this number.
Governments have drawn the line to distinguish between terrorists and law-abiding citizen for the sake of national security by the meaning of using National Identity card, which hold some biometric information of the cardholder such as; Fingerprints or Iris to confirm the identity of the Identity cardholder whenever required by the government agent.
During enrollment process, the biometric Fingerprints comparison algorithm takes place to ensure there is no personal forgery cases early enough.
The National Identify system helps out governments in establishing a national database and accordingly providing a precise information on the census, moreover decision making based on age-segmentation can be accomplished as one of the system outcomes in addition to voting systems.
Our team’s experience in implementing two National Identity programs based on PKI enabled Smart Cards foster our offering in developing related programs